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What Is Our Purpose?

Upper Arkansas Watershed Group is a NOT FOR PROFIT organization. Striving for the sustainability of life in the basin. We aim to provide for the collaboration of local stakeholders to identify, work, and fund projects that enhance the ecology, economy, and way of life within the Upper Arkansas Watershed. The group aims to improve the quality and quantity of streamflow in the watershed, Promote, enhance, and create recreational activity within the watershed, along with promoting groundwater conservation and funding projects

that reduce water use.   We aim to improve the water distribution systems of surface water users while protecting local water supplies. We will identify and fund projects that enhance groundwater recharge and work toward improving the quality and longevity of local municipalities. Balancing the water supply and demand in the watershed and working toward getting streamflow downstream of Garden City. We will educate the public on water resource concerns, benefits, and environmental advantages. While promoting the use of management practices that are environmentally sound and adequately address the management goals of all of the resources in the watershed, we will not impose economic hardship on producers in the Upper Arkansas River Watershed. We will investigate alternative sources of water supply.   



Section II.a of the Upper Arkansas Watershed ByLaws states that all individuals

at least 18 years of age who live within, rent, or own land located within the boundaries of the watershed or have an interest in the watershed are eligible to become or remain members. Entities that are located within the watershed area or have an interest in the watershed are also eligible for membership. Annual dues may be required for membership at the discretion of the Board of Directors. All members are voting members unless otherwise specified in the articles of incorporation. 

Upper Arkansas River Watershed Group

©2023 by Upper Ark Watershed Group. Proudly created with

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